Vegan marshmallow fluff that you can easily make at home because vegan cuisine is very innovative. Sure, some people might say that if you try to recreate a vegan version of every animal product based food there is, that is not innovative. But it is, because so many people come up with the most mind blowing techniques or very unexpected ingredients to create these „fake“ foods.
And we must admit that they are often so much more amazing than the „real“ thing. Last year a blogger posted a way to make a vegan version of beaten egg whites that works perfectly for all kinds of meringues. And the most fascinating thing is, they used brine from a can of beans as a base for their recipe. And if you think about it, it makes sense. During the cooking process beans release starches and proteins. These compounds form a stiff and stable foam that rises to the top of the cooking liquid. The brine has starches and proteins, too. If you combine this liquid with sugar, the two ingredients act exactly like and egg white sugar mixture: The protein is turned into a foam and the sugar traps and stabilises the air bubbles.
Using the liquid from a can of chickpeas is the easiest and most widely available method to make vegan egg white foams. It has been all over the internet for the last couple of weeks. Somebody already came up with a recipe for macarons and meringues have been popping up, too. People are very exited about this invention and trying it out like crazy. It eaven has a name! It is called aquafaba (aqua = water); faba = bean).
It’s amazing how innovative, adventurous and creative people have been over the last few weeks. There even is a large Facebook gruop on aquafaba. I hopped on this train quite late, I saw a picture on instagram and then a link here and there. I didn’t do much research exept for reading that French blog post and I have been experimenting for two days now. And here’s what I came up with: vegan marshmallow fluff made from chickpea brine aka aquafaba. And no, it doesn’t taste like beans once you have whipped it up with sugar and vanilla.

The picture above shows a basic foam, made from chickpea brine drained from a can and and powdered sugar only. I made a first attempt at meringues with this and it didn’t work out because the foam was too runny to pipe. Only later I learned that you just need to whip longer. I whipped for about 2 minutes when 10 would have been more appropriate. But impatience is sometimes a good thing. The blogger behind révolution végétale mentions two ingredients that will help stabilise your foam: guar gum and cream of tartar. Cream of tartar is often used in angel food cake and in meringue preparations. It helps to give more volume to regular egg white foams. Guar gum is a binder. Like xanthan gum it is often used in gluten free baking. You can also add it to ice creams to make them smoother. If you’ve ever worked with guar or xanthan gum you know that if you add too much, it will turn our slimy and gum like. For this recipe, the gum like texture is perfect as the gum will speed up the whipping process and change the texture of your foam greatly once the sugar is added. It changes from soft peaks to stiff peaks in a minute or so. Note that you cannot substitute cornstarch, agar agar, or tapioca starch here. Those have to be heated to swell and bind, while guar gum will swell once it’s combined with a liquid. Cornstarch or agar agar will do nothing to change the texture of your foam at this point.

This vegan marshmallow fluff has a very firm but sticky consistency, just like melted marshmallows or marshmallow creme. The only downside: It will probably creep up your beaters and stick to the mixer. It’s ean with a wet cloth, so I personally didn’t worry about it. Use for ‚Smore pies, as a cookie filling or try some rice crispy treats. I used it as a base for my meringues, so stay tuned! If you are looking for a more delicate version you can put on top of pies, I suggest to leave out the guar gum and simply whip your foam until you have reached the desired consistency.
Troubleshooting and Tips on how to make Vegan Marshmallow Fluff
Question: Why does my chickpea liquid not firm up properly?
Answer: You probably need to beat it longer. It can sometimes take up to 10 minutes until the aquafaba has the right consistency. How long it takes depends on the kind of mixer you use and on the amount of sugar called for in the recipe. The more sugar, the better the texture.
Question: Can I use xanthan gum instead of guar gum?
Answer: Yes, you can. Same amount.
Question: can I use a liquid sweetener, xylithol, stevia instead of sugar?
Answer: I haven’t tried it. Personally I think the sugar is the main stabiliser in this recipe and it really is important to use the sweetener that’s called for in the recipe. But: a lot of commenters tried this recipe with alternative sweeteners. Maybe read through the comments to find what you’re looking for.
Question: Do I have to use the liquid from a can of chickpeas?
Answer: I haven’t tried it with other types of beans but it seems to work with white beans.
Thanks for reading this post! If you have more questions about the recipe, ingredient substitutions, and so on, please read the comments first. Maybe your question has already been answered.
Vegan Marshmallow Fluff (from Aquafaba)
- 120 ml chickpea brine (½ cup), drained from a can of chickpeas
- 1/2 tsp guar gum
- 1/8 tsp cream of tartar
- 50 g powdered sugar (½ cup)
- 2 tsp vanilla
- Combine brine, guar gum, and cream of tartar in a large bowl.
- Beat with a handheld mixer for two minutes, until the mixture resembles lightly beaten egg whites. (See first picture)
- Add powdered sugar and vanilla and beat on high for five minutes, until the mixture is stiff and sticky.
- Transfer to a jar.
Hi there ,
I tested this , the taste is good but my marshmallow fluff doesn’t hold.It became foamy after a few hours .
Is this normal ? I would really like to use the marshmallow on brownies and cookies but it is unable to hold it’s shape in a few hours, the fluff when put cookie dough it melts completely.
hmm any advice how I can make it last longer ?
Ist zwar schon etwas aelteres post aber ich versuche es trotzdem. Koennte mann diese mischung auch als Schlagsahne Alternative benutzen? Das waehre echt super. Vielen Dank fuer das tolle Rezept
Do you have a recipe for rice krispie treats? I have looked through the recipe files, but haven’t found one.
How is the fluff the next day? Is it stable or does it revert back to liquid? How does it behave at room temperature sitting for a couple of hours? Have you tried it with the conventional recipe for marshmallow with a sugar syrup boiled to 240 degrees? Thanks
I am hoping that this will work using powdered xylitol instead of powdered sugar. Xylitol has a granular structure very similar to sugar, and makes a nice powder when put in a blender. I use it in place of sugar in most recipes, but am told that it doesn’t work for candy-making as it’s melting point is much lower. I think it would work in aquafaba, but am wondering if anybody else has tried this yet, and if so, what their results were.
Hi Sandy, yes xylitol should work, somebody has modified this recipe. The link might be here in the comments somewhere, otherwise search for the keepingitkind blog.
Hallo Mihl!
Habe ein zweites Mal Macarons gebacken und diesmal alles abgewogen und das Rezept aufgeschrieben. Sie schmecken wunderbar, sie zergehen auf der Zunge.
Rezept und Fotos auf
Als nächstes probiere ich Marshmellows. Habe gerade dein Rezept gesehen. Das hat bisher bei mir nur konventionell geklappt und ich dachte, es liegt am Agar. Wurde bei mir immer nur Fluff. Bin schon so gespannt!
Viele Grüße
Vielen, vielen Dank fürs Teilen, Jane! Ich werde Dein Rezept auf jeden Fall ausprobieren und berichten.
Ich habe das tatsächlich für eine Internet-Ente gehalten. Das klingt so unglaublich, dass ich sofort probieren musste. Und nicht mit irgendetwas, nein, es mussten unbedingt Macarons sein. Die backe ich seit Jahren, meist jedoch mit Ei, denn im Normalfall werden sie verschenkt.
Vegane, äußerlich wunderschöne Macarons habe ich mit Hilfe des Rezeptes von Hannah Kaminsky gebacken, die allerdings geschmacklich nicht überzeugen konnten (zu süß). Außerdem braucht man dafür den Ei-Ersatz Ener-G, der in Deutschland kaum zu bekommen ist.
Und jetzt soll die Kichererbsenflüssigkeit, die ich immer wegschütte, die Lösung sein?
Mein allererster Versuch hat gleich geklappt, obwohl ich wirklich beim Backen geschlampt habe. Ich werde das also wiederholen und dann genau aufschreiben, was ich in welchen Mengen und wie verwendet habe.
Wer Fotos und mehr Infos sehen will, kann es unter betrachten.
Zugegeben, das sind die besten, ein paar sind nicht so fotogen. Aber geklappt hat das besser ich es vermutet habe.
Das ist ja fantastisch! Ich habe es bisher noch nicht hinbekommen. Wenn ich ein „normales“, eihaltiges Rezept umgewandelt habe, sind die Macarons bis jetzt noch nichts geworden.
can i use xanthan gum instead of guar gum?
Yes, you can. Same amount.
Mihl- I’ve heard about aquafaba about 2 weeks ago, and I couldn’t believe what I’ve read/ seen online. Earlier today, I tried it out and I. WAS. TOTALLY. SCREAMING „HELLALUJAH!!!“ Ever since I’ve became vegan, I knew that my previous baking journey will be very limited when it comes to anything that deals with eggs (egg whites and yolks). It was a sad separation, but it was done for the best and I have no regrets. I do agree with you that it’s AMAZING to say the least what people can come up when they’re experimenting vegan dishes. Thanks God for the internet! : ) I’ll try your marshmallow fluff next! Thanks for the wonderful post!
I never felt very limited except for recipes with egg whites. But I guess this was solved now:)
Another question: Does any one know if I can substitute pysillum powder for the xantham gum.
You can definitely use guar, I am not sure about psyllium. You can make the fluff without guar or xanthan and add more sugar. The texture will be a bit different though.
Can the brine from a can of white beans also be used instead of chickpea brine (which I am out of). Thanks.
A commenter used navy beans, so it seems to work. But I heard other people have had mixed results.
Just made this fabulous stuff!
Subbed out the sugar for Stevia powder and subbed guar gum for xanthan gum (1:1 ratio)
SO yummy…I’ve been tossing this ‚liquid magic‘ down the drain for years…until now:)
Thanks for posting!
I made this last night using the liquid from a can of navy beans (minus the guar or xantham gum) and it whipped up nicely! I had the fluff alongside my ice cream and it went perfectly! I’m going to try it today in a lemon meringue pie as I have an abundance of lemons to use up.
That’s awesome, Em!
Thank you so much for this recipe. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it!
Das klingt wirklich toll!
Ich frage mich, klappt das nur mit dem Abtropfwasser von Dosen oder funktioniert es auch mit dem Einweichwasser von getrockneten Bohnen & Kichererbsen? Weißt Du da zufällig was drüber?
Würde mich über eine kurze Antwort sehr freuen!
1000 Dank!
Herzliche Grüße
Es scheint mit dem Wasser von selbstgekochten Bohnen zu gehen. Ob das Einweichwasser auch geht, weiß ich leider nicht.
Your recipe is genius!!! I just tried it for the first time tonight, and it was like magic happening in my kitchen; the fluff is beyond amazing! Thank you so much for sharing all of your delicious recipes with the world. I haven’t commented before, but i really admire your blog–it’s one of my favorites.
That is so nice of you, thanks, Ella! I am glad the recipe worked for you!
WONDERFUL!!! I made this with both Xanthan Gum and Guar Gum, doubling the recipe so I could take some to my son as he loves Fluffernutter sandwiches and hasn’t had one since turning vegan. It made so much he and I both have two jars full in the fridge!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for this! I will be sharing it (and consequently your blog) with all my friends!!
That is awesome, Carol, thanks!
This is absolutely fascinating and I can’t wait to try it!! I’ve been reading through the comments and it seems to work! I’m not really a fan of marshmallow fluff but my sister is and I can try it for her :)
This recipe is a must try!
If I use stevia instead of powder sugar, do you think this would too?
Someone asked this before, it’s somewhere in the comments. But I think someone on Facebook did this, you could check this group, if you like.
Im excited about this recipe. I would like to know how to make rice syrup fluff. Its a liquid, so adding rice syrup in place of powdered sugar may not work. What do you think?
I am not sure. It is a liquid, yes, but it’s also a sugar and that is what stabilises the mixture. So maybe it will work?
Chocolate Covered Katie made the fluff with agave syrup and also with honey. She said it took about 10 minutes for it to start to thicken. I think it was about 16 minutes for peaks to form.
I just made this recipe. It’s AMAZING! I had everything I needed in the house. Mine looks just like your pictures. I did add 1 tsp of almond extract, mostly because I love the flavor and to make sure there was no bean taste. I took half and added flaked coconut, made into little meringue like cookies, drizzled chocolate on top. The other half I mixed with rice cereal for a little treat. It seems like it would make a wonderful cake frosting. . One question, does it need to be refrigerated? Did I mention its amazing!!
That is awesome Julie, thank you! Yes, frosting is a great idea!
I did not refrigerate mine because I was afraid it would melt.
Would it work with the brine from other kinds of beans?? My husband is allergic to chickpeas…
In theory yes. I haven’t tried it but heard about mixed results. You probably will have to experiment a bit.
I’m loving how many amazing chickpea water based recipes everyone’s coming up with! This fluff looks especially good.
Hat schon jemand versucht, nen ganz „normalen“ Obstkuchen mit Baiserhaube zu backen? Hab bisher nur erfolgreiche Macaroon Versuche gesehen…
Wird gemacht, sobald es Johannisbeeren gibt.
Hi there and thank you so much for this phenomenal recipe! I have tried several ones. I published a german version on my blog and of course I added my own experiences and ingredients :) My next try will be: black sesame cake with mango filling and merengue topping. But before doing that I will fulfill my readers wishes and bake a germane „Osterzopf“ gluten free and vegan. I love your blog and recipes <3 Steffi
Thank you so much for this phenomenal recipe! I tried serveral ones. Yours works pretty well. I have added my own experiences and put a german version on my blog. Today I will bake my favorite cake – the black sesame cake – with mangos and merenque topping. If this will work with my next try will be chocolate marshmallows (Dickmans) :).
I love your blog and your recipes <3, Steffi
oh!!! and proper foamy chocolate mousse!!!!!!!!!
This is just what I’ve been looking for. I tried the flax egg whites from Myoko Schinner’s book and found it sort of worked but took ages and ages to cook and was very messy. Also she only recommended it in uncooked foods. I’m currently on a chickpea binge (I’ve been sauteing them then putting on tamari and smoke a la Isa Moskovitz or just eating out of the can!) Now I can use everything. I’m going to try it with cream of tartar and xanthan gum because I can’t find guar gum. I’m so excited because I used to LOVE lemon meringue pie. Hannah’s idea of vegan Snickers is great too, and nougat another favourite. I loved your vegan Bounty’s. Ooh just thought…. I could add it to tirmisu goo for a fluffier filling!! mmmmm possibilities are endless.
I love you so much for still trying to make that tiramisu recipe perfect!
I am on a rather strict diet, for health reasons, but I’m thinking I’m going to splurge on this on my upcoming „feast day,“ which will be my birthday. I’ll put it on a chocolate caked, somehow…
I think I might take a go at this today!
How long do you think this will keep in a mason jar in the fridge?
OR is this a „serve as soon as possible“ kind of product?
Hi Jubes, I did use mine immediately and made meringues from it. It looks pretty stable, but I honestly cannot say how long it will keep.
I went ahead and made this with excellent results. I used a no salt added can of chickpeas and it whipped up perfectly! It did, however taste faintly of chickpeas (could be the brand) so I mixed in a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Delicious. I’ve put a good portion of it in the fridge, I’ll let you know how it holds up.
How were the meringues?
That is terrific! If you taste chickpeas, you can always increase the amount of sugar used. But cocoa sounds fabulous, too!
The meringues were great! I need to make another batch.
I saw on Instagram!
I linked back to your blog, it’ll be in my morning post.
This is mind-blowing! I was shocked when I first heard of flax meringue, but this seems so simple and easy to make! I love it! Good to know it doesn’t taste like beans after you add the sugar and vanilla. I’m gonna have to make some as soon as I have time. Vegan innovations are so exciting!
Yeah, I was always a little bit discouraged by the complexity of flax goo.
I made it! Mind blown! I didn’t have guar gum, but I did have xanthan gum and it worked perfectly. Thanks for sharing!
I SO want to try this in rice krispy treats, because I LOVE THOSE THINGS. Just need to replenish my cream of tartar supply.
You can use lemon juice instead!
Mihl! I just tried this and it’s AMAZING! When the mixture starting forming stiff peaks, I actually cried tears of joy. This is life-changing!
Das sieht so toll aus! Wird auf jeden Fall ausprobiert!!!
Könnte man damit vegane Schaumküsse machen? :) Oder vegane Marshmallows? Oder eine Art Snickers… (da war doch auch immer so eine weiße Creme drin?!)
Mir fallen tausend Möglichkeiten ein :)) ich bin restlos begeistert!!!
Liebe Grüße
Die Schaumkussidee ist genial! Marshmallows und Nougat für Snickers werde ich noch ausprobieren. Das ist aber etwas komplizierter, besonders das Nougat. Mal sehen.
Oh ja, Marshmallows wären super!!! :) die vermisse ich nämlich immer sehr beim Grillen….
OMG, that is genius. I would kill for vegan Mohrenkopf. Do they still call it that? That’s what they were in my German child hood, but maybe it’s not PC, even in Germany anymore… ;)
Some people probably still say that, but I would consider it as offensive. Schaumkopf or Schokokuss are neutral alternatives.
Irre, das liest sich genial und sieht auch so aus. Danke für Deine ausgiebigen Tests, ich muss mich wohl auch dringend in die „Fluff-Versuchsküche“ begeben :-))
Are you going to make a recipe for vegan macaroons? Because it would be awesome, I’m trying to make them from chickpea whites all day and it’s one big fail for me and I don’t have almond flour anymore thanks to it :(
Yes, I am working on it!
This is so cool! I’ve seen a few pictures of vegan macarons and meringues over the last couple of days and am loving your creativity with this marshmallow fluff. I never tried the non-vegan version but imagine it’s pretty versatile. Traditional rice krispy cakes would probably be the first thing I would make with it.
Thanks Emma. It’s funny, pre-vegan I hated meringue and had marshmallow fluff once.
I cannot have sugar and wondered if powdered stevia can be used instead of the powdered sugar?
Hi Allison, good question! I don’t think it will work as the sugar crystals build structure and bind. But I never used stevia so I don’t know.
wow I am so pleased to see this – I saw it on Facebook recently and wondered if it was true – I must try this. I have a packet mix for vegan marshmallows but this looks much easier – though I don’t have guar gum but I have xanthum – and rather like rice krispie treats so this would be fun to try – I really appreciate hearing some of the science behind it which makes so much sense
You could try without guar gum, I think it should work for rice crispy treats. Let me know if you try this!
I just tried this recipe substituting the guar gum with xanthan gum 1:1. Also cream of tartar is not sold in my country so I just used a teeny tiny splash of white vinegar. The result = absolutely fantastic! Gooey, fluffy and sweet.
That is great!
Your recipes are amazing, as always, and I really appreciated the explanation of the science behind it!
Das sieht toll aus, ist das so eine Marshmellowcreme die man sich auch aufs Brot schmiert? Ich frage mich ob Xanthan der Textur auch noch helfen würde.
Ja, genau sowas. Xanthan funktioniert soweit ich weiß genau wie Guar, also würde ich eins von beiden nehmen.
Der Hammer!!!!
Wieso höre ich von sowas immer als Letzte? Dass muss ich morgen gleich ausprobieren!
Danke, dass du dich immer durch das internationale Bloggerwässer kämpfst und solch tolle Dinge ausgräbst!
Das ist gerade der Hit unter US-Bloggern. Ich habe davon ja auch erst ziemlich spät erfahren:) Und wer hat’s erfunden? Die Franzosen!
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